The Brazilian Morales, who uses this pic as an avatar (where he says he’s “fighting God’s satanic creatures”) believes in the Shroud and has been trolling The West’s Darkest Hour for years (see for example here). He currently comments on Adunai’s blog (e.g., here). I think it’s best to ignore him (“Don’t feed the troll” they say), though from time to time I get lazy to run a software to guess who’s using a sockpuppet under a proxy IP, and we get comments like the one who led you here.

This pardo is the same commenter who has posted comments in racialist forums under another penname (my real name!), as I warned recently. As Mauricio said, “Such a time wasting troll, that Morales”. But keep in mind that, according to him, he is fighting God’s satanic creatures: the racists.